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At the Comic Opera Nat M. Wills 1909
Banjo Song Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
Beautiful Eyes Ada Jones 1909
By the Light of the Silv’ry Moon Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet 1909
Carrie Billy Murray 1909
Come After Breakfast Arthur Collins 1909
Don’t Take Me Home Eddie Morton 1909
Down Among the Sugar Cane Arthur Collins and Byron Harlan 1909
Experiences in the Show Business Charley Case 1909
The Fatal Stone (Duet from Aida) Arthur Pryor’s Band 1909
Golden Slippers Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
Goodbye to Johnnie Clarice Vance 1909
The Great Campmeeting Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
Hortense at Sea Nat M. Wills 1909
Hortense at the Skating Rink Nat M. Wills 1909
How Mother Made the Soup Charley Case 1909
I Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
I Love, I Love, I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid Arthur Collins 1909
I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now Henry Burr 1909
I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now Henry Burr 1909
I’d Rather Be a Minstrel Man than a Multimillionaire Eddie Morton 1909
I’m a Member of the Midnight Crew Eddie Morton 1909
I’m Old but I’m Awfully Tough Cal Stewart 1909
In Ireland Eddie Morton 1909
In the Garden of My Heart Frank C. Stanley and Henry Burr 1909
In the Valley of Yesterday Harry Macdonough 1909
It Looks to Me Like a Big Night Tonight Clarice Vance 1909
It Looks Like a Big Night To-Night Clarice Vance 1909
I’ve Got Rings on My Fingers Ada Jones 1909
I’ve Got Rings on My Fingers Blanche Ring 1909
Jerusalem Mornin’ Polk Miller and His Old South Quartet 1909
Lasca Edgar L. Davenport 1909
Little David / Shout All Over God’s Heaven Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
Little David Play on Yo’ Harp / Shout All Over God’s Heaven Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
Lonesome Byron G. Harlan 1909
Love Me Like I Like to Be Loved Clarice Vance 1909
Moving Day at Pumpkin Center Cal Stewart 1909
My Cousin Caruso Billy Murray 1909
My Pony Boy Columbia Quartette 1909
My Wife’s Gone to the Country, Hurrah! Hurrah! Arthur Collins and Byron Harlan 1909
My Wife’s Gone to the Country, Hurrah! Hurrah! Arthur Collins and Byron Harlan 1909
Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares Will Oakland 1909
Old Black Joe Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
On a Monkey Honeymoon Collins and Harlan 1909
Parody on “Down in Jungle Town” Nat M. Wills 1909
Parody on “There Never Was a Girl Like You” Nat M. Wills 1909
Please Don’t Tell My Wife Eddie Morton 1909
Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet Haydn Quartet 1909
Reformed Love (and a Few Other Subjects) Nat M. Wills 1909
Roll Jordan Roll Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
Sadie Salome (Go Home) Bob Roberts 1909
Saving Up Coupons for Mother Nat M. Wills 1909
She’s My Daisy Harry Lauder 1909
Shine On, Harvest Moon Billy Murray and Ada Jones 1909
Shine On, Harvest Moon Ada Jones and Billy Murray 1909
Shine on, Harvest Moon Frank C. Stanley and Henry Burr ca. 1909
A Small Boy and His Mother at the Circus Mrs. Hardin Burnley 1909
Song of the English Chappie Nat M. Wills 1909
Sterling Castle and Harvest Home William Craig 1909
Sugar Plum Samuel Siegel and Roy Butin 1909
Sweetmeats Arthur Pryor’s Band 1909
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
Take Me Up with You, Dearie Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet 1909
Teddy after Africa Arthur Pryor’s Band 1909
That’s a Plenty Arthur Collins 1909
That’s the Doctor, Bill Eddie Morton 1909
Then We’ll All Go Home Eddie Morton 1909
There Is a Balm in Gilead Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
To the End of the World with You Henry Burr 1909
The Traveling Man Nat M. Wills 1909
Uncle Josh and the Fire Department Cal Stewart 1909
Uncle Josh and the Lightning Rod Agent Cal Stewart 1909
Uncle Josh and the Sailor Cal Stewart 1909
Watermelon Party Polk Miller and Old South Quartet 1909
When Malindy Sings Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
When You and I Were Young, Maggie Will Oakland 1909
Where the River Shannon Flows Harry Macdonough 1909
Wild Cherry Rag Ed Morton 1909
Wild Cherry Rag Eddie Morton 1909
Wild Cherry Rag Eddie Morton 1909
The Yama–Yama Man Ada Jones & Victor Light Opera Company 1909
Yip! I Adee! I Aye Blanche Ring 1909
You Ain’t Talking to Me Eddie Morton 1909
You Ain’t Talking to Me Ed Morton 1909
You Ain’t Talking to Me Ed Morton 1909
Zeb Green’s Airship Ada Jones and Len Spencer 1909