Recordings By Year: 1899

December 29, 2015 kitty
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Almost Persuaded Frank Butts 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Beautiful City of God [excerpt] Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Blessed Assurance Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Drill Ye Tarriers, Drill George J. Gaskin 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
The Heart Bowed Down J. W. Myers ca. 1899-1900 The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee J. J. Fisher 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
God Be with You Till We Meet Again Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Hello, Ma Baby Arthur Collins ca. 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
Hold the Fort Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Hold the Fort Len Spencer 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
The Holy City [edit] Roger Harding 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
The Homeland Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
I Guess I’ll Have to Telegraph My Baby Edward M. Favor 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
I’d Leave My Happy Home for You Arthur Collins 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
In the Baggage Coach Ahead Steve Porter ca. 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Just Break the News to Mother George J. Gaskin 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
Kiss Me, Honey, Do S. H. Dudley 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
Lead Kindly Light Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Minstrel 1st Part, “Dese Bones Shall Rise Again” The Imperial Minstrels ca. 1899 At the Minstrel Show
Minstrel 1st Part, “Echoes of Minstrelsy” Arthur Collins, S. H. Dudley & the Ancient City Quartette 1899 At the Minstrel Show
Minstrel 1st Part, “Three Minutes with the Minstrels” Arthur Collins, S. H. Dudley & the Ancient City Quartette 1899 At the Minstrel Show
The Mistakes of My Life Have Been Many Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
My Ain Countrie Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
My Jesus, as Thou Wilt Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Nearer, My God, to Thee Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
The Ninety and Nine Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
O Promise Me Edward Franklin ca. 1899-1900 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
On the Banks of the Wabash George J. Gaskin 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
On the Banks of the Wabash Dan W. Quinn 1899 Anthology: The King of Comic Singers, 1894-1917
Onward, Christian Soldiers Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
A Picture No Artist Can Paint Albert Campbell 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
Safe in the Arms of Jesus Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Sally in Our Alley Haydn Quartet 1899 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
Saved by Grace Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Say You Love Me Sue Dan W. Quinn 1899 Anthology: The King of Comic Singers, 1894-1917
Shall You, Shall I? Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
A Shelter in the Time of Storm Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Smoky Mokes Vess L. Ossman 1899 Before the Big Bang
There’ll Be No Dark Valley Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Throw Out the Life Line Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Throw Out the Life Line Len Spencer 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
The Thunderer Gilmore’s Band ca. 1899-1900 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
True Hearted, Whole Hearted Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Twin Star March Joseph P. Cullen and William G. Collins 1899 Stomp and Swerve: American Music Gets Hot
Uncle Josh’s Invitation to the City Folks Cal Stewart 1899 Before the Big Bang
When a Coon Sits in the Presidential Chair Dan W. Quinn 1899 Anthology: The King of Comic Singers, 1894-1917
Where Is My Boy Tonight? Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Whistling Rufus Vess Ossman ca. 1899-1900 The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
Wonderful Words of Life Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900