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Alice, Where Art Thou? Bohumir Kryl and Leroy Haines ca. 1903
Any Rags? Burt Shepard ca. 1903
Ballet Music from Mathias Sandorph William Tuson ca. 1903
Bedelia Billy Murray 1903
Bedelia Billy Murray 1903
Bedelia Haydn Quartet 1903
Birds of the Forest Bohumir Kryl and Leroy Haines 1903
Blue Bells of Scotland Louis Christie 1903
Bohemian Girl Selection Arthur Pryor’s Band 1903
Cara Nome Theodore Pusinelli ca. 1903
Carnival of Venice Bohumir Kryl ca. 1903
Carving the Duck George W. Johnson 1903
Cary Waltz Bohumir Kryl ca. 1903
Come Down, Ma Evenin? Star Henry Burr 1903
Comin’ Thro’ the Rye Theodore Pusinelli ca. 1903
Dance of the Weasels Arthur Pryor’s Band 1903
Darling Nellie Gray J. W. Myers 1903
Du Du-German Air Bohumir Kryl ca. 1903
End Man Song: I’m a N- That’s Living High Columbia Minstrels (feat. Arthur Collins) 1903
End Man’s Song: My Friend from Home Columbia Minstrels (feat. Len Spencer) 1903
End Man’s Stories Columbia Minstrels (feat. Len and Harry Spencer) 1903
Facilita Bohumir Kryl ca. 1903
Finale: Black Hussars March Columbia Minstrels (feat. J. W. Myers) 1903
Heart Bowed Down William Tuson ca. 1903
The Holy City Henry Burr ca. 1903
I’m Wearing My Heart Away for You Columbia Minstrels (feat. George J. Gaskin) 1903
Introductory Overture Columbia Minstrels (Entire Company) 1903
Jokes Between Interlocutor and End Man Columbia Minstrels (feat. Harry Spencer & Arthur Collins) 1903
Jokes Between Interlocutor and End Men Columbia Minstrels (feat. Len and Harry Spencer & Arthur Collins) 1903
King Carnival Bohumir Kryl ca. 1903
The Last Rose of Summer Bohumir Kryl 1903
Mister Dooley Dan W. Quinn 1903
Monologue Columbia Minstrels (feat. George Graham [presumed]) 1903
Musical Specialty: Trumpet Solo Columbia Minstrels (feat. Albert Bode) 1903
Navajo Billy Murray ca. 1903-1904
No. 4: Musical Act: Ebony Emperors of Melody Victor Minstrels (feat. S. H. Dudley & Len Spencer) 1903
Our Land of Dreams Columbia Minstrels (feat. J. W. Myers) 1903
Paddy on the Turnpike James C. McAuliffe 1903
Razzle Dazzle Vess L. Ossman 1903
Serenade Bohumir Kryl ca. 1903
Silver Threads Among the Gold Henry Burr ca. 1903
Utility Polka Bohumir Kryl and Leroy Haines ca. 1903
The Way to Kiss a Girl Billy Murray 1903
The Woodchuck Song Bob Roberts ca. 1903
Yankee Doodle: Banjo Solo Columbia Minstrels (feat. Vess L. Ossman) 1903