Recordings in our catalogue
All selections originally recorded between 1890 and 1899.
[tthq_include_file tthq_file=”/nav/titles.php”] The 23rd Psalm & The Good Shepherd Rev. J. Reeves Daniels 1897 The 23rd Psalm & The Lord’s Prayer Len Spencer 1897 The 91st Psalm Dwight L. Moody 1898
All selections originally recorded between 1890 and 1899.
[tthq_include_file tthq_file=”/nav/years.php”] God Bless America Irving Kaufman 1974
[tthq_include_file tthq_file=”/nav/years.php”] Another trio with Campbell and Burr (featuring “Meet Me in Blossom Time” by Oakland-Campbell-Burr) Will Oakland 1954 Days with Cohan and Harris Minstrels and Primrose’s Minstrels (featuring “Evalyne” by Oakland and Murray) Will Oakland 1954 Dockstader Minstrels (featuring “Sing Rock-a-Bye Baby to Me”) Will Oakland 1954 Duets with Billy Murray (featuring “Just for…
[tthq_include_file tthq_file=”/nav/years.php”] Shine On, Harvest Moon [personal recording] Jack Norworth ca. 1950
[tthq_include_file tthq_file=”/nav/years.php”] Think It Over Mary Irving Kaufman and The Dandies ca. 1947
[tthq_include_file tthq_file=”/nav/years.php”] In the Good Old Summertime Irving Kaufman 1946
[tthq_include_file tthq_file=”/nav/years.php”] Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider Eddie Leonard ca. 1940 It’s the Same Old Shillelagh Harry’s Tavern Band with Billy Murray 1940
[tthq_include_file tthq_file=”/nav/years.php”] Imitations Elsie Janis 1939