[tthq_include_file tthq_file=”/nav/titles.php”]
Sadie Brady, Listen Good to Me Jack Norworth 1910
Sadie Salome (Go Home) Bob Roberts 1909
Safe in Our Wardrobe for Two Jack Norworth and Gertrude Lang 1915
Safe in the Arms of Jesus Church Chimes 1898-99
Safe in the Arms of Jesus Harry Macdonough 1900
Safe in the Arms of Jesus Ira D. Sankey 1899
Sah ein Knab’ ein Roeslein Steh’n Gemischtes Quartett ca. 1920-1921
Sahara Moon Guido Deiro 1923
Sahara Rose Isham Jones Rainbo Orchestra 1920
Sailing Phil Spitalny’s Music 1931
Sailing Down the Chesapeake Bay American Quartet 1913
Sally Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra 1921
Sally Ann Hill Billies 1925
Sally from Calais Jack Norworth and Gertrude Lang 1915
Sally in Our Alley Haydn Quartet 1899
Sally in Our Alley William Tuson ca. 1902
The Same Old Song Elsie Janis and Basil Hallam 1915
Samuel Bert Williams 1915
San The Benson Orchestra of Chicago 1921
San Benson Orchestra of Chicago 1921
San Mound City Blue Blowers 1924
San Antonio Billy Murray 1907
San Francisco (At That San-Fran-Pan American Fair) Arthur Fields 1915
Sång fåglarne Chicago Premier Kvartett 1923
Sans Souci (Maxixe Bresilienne) Van Eps Banjo Orchestra 1914
Säntis Marsch Charles Schoenenberger and Louisa Schneckenbuehl ca. 1920-1921
Sarah from Sahara Eubie Blake Trio 1917
Save a Little Dram for Me Bert Williams 1920
Save The Last Dance For Me Erno Rapee’s Orchestra 1932
Save Your Money, ‘Cause de Winter Am Comin’ On Clarice Vance ca. 1905
Saved by Grace Ira D. Sankey 1899
Saved by Grace Winfield S. Weeden 1897
Saving Up Coupons for Mother Nat M. Wills 1909
Saxaphonic Jazz Masters and Orchestra The Original Six Brown Brothers 1927
Saxophone Sam Six Brown Brothers 1917
Saxophone Sobs Six Brown Brothers 1916
Say “Au Revoir” but Not “Good-bye” J. W. Myers 1896
Say It While Dancing Eddie Elkins’ Orchestra 1922
Say It with Music Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 1921
Say You Love Me Sue Dan W. Quinn 1899
Scandal Walk Isham Jones Rainbo Orchestra 1920
Scandinavia The Benson Orchestra of Chicago 1921
Schweizer Jodellied Charles Schoenenberger ca. 1920-1921
School Days (When We Were a Couple of Kids) Byron G. Harlan 1907
Schwertlied (Du Schwert an meiner Linken) Arion Brooklyn ca. 1916
Second Hand Rose Fanny Brice 1921
Seminole J. W. Myers 1904
Semper Fidelis Band 1896
Send Me Away with a Smile John McCormack 1917
Sensation Original Crescent City Jazzers 1924
Sensation Wolverine Orchestra 1924
Serenad Knut Öhrström 1925
Serenade Guido Deiro 1916
Serenade Bohumir Kryl ca. 1903
Serenade from Les Millions D’Arlequin Guido Deiro ca. 1928
The Sermon on the Mount Dwight L. Moody 1898
Service Cues Harry Heath 1897
Shake It and Break It Lanin’s Southern Serenaders 1921
Shake It and Break It Vic Meyers’ Hotel Butler Orchestra 1923
Shall You, Shall I? Ira D. Sankey 1899
Sharing Andy Sannella and His Orchestra 1932
Sharpshooter’s March Guido Deiro ca. 1911
She Knows It Sophie Tucker 1922
She May Have Seen Better Days George J. Gaskin 1896
She Sat In Her Parlor Cal Carson ca. 1931-1932
She Was Bred in Old Kentucky George J. Gaskin 1898
She Was Happy Till She Met You S. H. Dudley 1898
The Sheik Club Royal Orchestra 1921
She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain Phil Spitalny’s Music 1931
A Shelter in the Time of Storm Ira D. Sankey 1899
The Shepherd True Moody Quartette 1897
Sheriff’s Sale of a Stranded Circus Len Spencer and Gilbert Girard 1907
She’s Getting More Like the White Folks [10 in. disc] Bert Williams 1901
She’s More to Be Pitied than Censured Marguerite Newton ca. 1898
She’s My Daisy Harry Lauder 1909
Shiker Lid Solomon Smulewitz ca. 1901-1903
Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble The Original Wolverines 1927
Shine On, Harvest Moon Harry Macdonough & Miss Walton 1908
Shine On, Harvest Moon Billy Murray and Ada Jones 1909
Shine On, Harvest Moon Billy Murray and Ada Jones 1909
Shine On, Harvest Moon [personal recording] Jack Norworth ca. 1950
Shine On Harvest Moon Phil Spitalny’s Music 1931
Shine on, Harvest Moon Frank C. Stanley and Henry Burr ca. 1909
Shivaree Six Brown Brothers 1920
Short and Sweet Polka Bohumir Kryl and Leroy Haines ca. 1905
Shout All Over God’s Heaven Apollo Jubilee Quartet 1912
Shout All Over God’s Heaven Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1915
Shout All Over God’s Heaven / Little David Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1911
Shout All Over God’s Heaven / Little David Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1916
Showers of Blessing [fragment] Unknown flute solo ca. 1897
Shprintze’s Likht Bentshn Sam Rubin ca. 1901-1903
Signal Anonymous 1889-90
Silent Night Phil Spitalny’s Music 1931
Silver Bell Peerless Quartet 1910
Silver Heels Fred Van Eps 1919
Silver Threads Among the Gold Henry Burr ca. 1903
Silver Threads Among the Gold Richard Jose 1904
Silver Threads Among the Gold Richard Jose 1904
Silver Threads Among the Gold J. W. Myers ca. 1898
Sim Hadley on a Racket Russell Hunting ca. 1895
Sim Hadley on a Racket James White ca. 1896-99
Simple Simon Anonymous 1889-90
Sing a New Song Hit of the Week Orchestra 1932
Sing a Song of Sixpence / Oh, Carry Me Back Anonymous 1890-95
Sing a Song of Sixpence [3-in doll disc] Anonymous 1890-95
Sing Me a Song of the South Joseph Natus 1902
Sing Smile Slumber Bohumir Kryl 1905
Sing You Sinners Harlem Hot Chocolates 1930
A Singer Sang a Song Eddie Morton 1908
Singing A Song To The Stars Hit of the Week Orchestra 1930
Singing Scene Joe Weber and Lew Fields 1912
Siren of a Southern Sea Art Hickman’s Orchestra 1921
Siren of the Southern Sea Isham Jones Orchestra 1920
(Sister Hasn’t Got a Chance) Since Mother Bobbed Her Hair Arthur Collins and Byron Harlan 1924
Sister Susie’s Sewing Shirts for Soldiers Al Jolson 1914
Sister Susie’s Sewing Shirts for Soldiers Jack Norworth 1914
Släckta fyrar Ebbe Kempe-Kjellgren 1923
Sleep, Baby Sleep George P. Watson 1898
Slide, Kelly, Slide Wilbur Sweatman’s Original Jazz Band 1919
A Small Boy and His Mother at the Circus Mrs. Hardin Burnley 1909
The Smiler (A Joplin Rag) Zon-O-Phone Concert Band ca. 1908
Smiles Elsie Janis 1919
Smiles Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra 1918
Smiles Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra 1918
Smiles and Chuckles Six Brown Brothers 1917
Smoky Mokes Vess L. Ossman 1899
Snake Rag King Oliver’s Jazz Band 1923
Snake Rag King Oliver’s Jazz Band 1923
Snap Your Fingers Al Jolson 1912
The Sneak Markels’ Orchestra 1922
Snookey Ookums Billy Murray 1913
So Long, Mary! Corinne Morgan with Male Chorus 1906
So Long, Oo Long Isham Jones Rainbo Orchestra 1920
So wie du Anonymous 1889-90
Sobbin’ Blues King Oliver’s Jazz Band 1923
Society Blues Ory’s Sunshine Orchestra 1922
Soft Lights And Sweet Music Morton Downey and Orchestra 1932
Soldatenlied Anonymous 1889-90
The Soldiers’ Chorus (from Faust) Metropolitan Band 1902
The Soldiers Farewell American Quartet 1902
Soldier’s Joy Sid Harkreader and Uncle Dave Macon 1924
Some Baby Van Eps Banjo Orchestra 1914
Some Jazz Blues Memphis Pickaninny Band 1917
Some Of These Days Erno Rapee’s Orchestra 1931
Some of These Days Sophie Tucker 1911
Some of These Days Sophie Tucker 1911
Some of These Days Sophie Tucker 1911
Some Sweet Day Marion Harris 1917
Somebody The Benson Orchestra of Chicago 1920
Somebody Bert Williams 1919
Somebody Else Is Gettin’ It Eddie Morton 1912
Somebody Lied Eddie Morton 1908
Somebody Loves You Phil Spitalny’s Music 1932
Somebody’s Sweetheart and Good Morning, Judge Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra 1919
Something To Remember You By Sam Lanin’s Dance Ensemble 1931
Something You Don’t Expect Bert Williams 1910
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child Edward H. S. Boatner 1919
Somewhere a Voice Is Calling Fred Brown 1916
Somewhere a Voice Is Calling John McCormack 1914
Somewhere in France Is the Lily Charles Hart 1917
Somewhere In Old Wyoming Hit of the Week Orchestra 1930
The Song Birds are Singing of You James McCool 1905
Song of India Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 1921
Song of Love Lucy Isabelle Marsh and Royal Dadmun 1922
Song of Naples Guido Deiro ca. 1913
Song Of The Dawn Phil Spitalny’s Music 1930
Song of the English Chappie Nat M. Wills 1909
Song of the Orient Art Hickman’s Orchestra 1920
The Song that Stole My Heart Away Henry Burr 1914
The Song Without A Name Phil Spitalny’s Music 1930
Songs of the Night Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra 1916
Southern Gals Gus Van and Joe Schenck 1917
Southern Song Metropolitan Band 1902
The Southern Stomps [take 1] King Oliver’s Jazz Band 1923
The Southern Stomps [take 2] King Oliver’s Jazz Band 1923
Souvenir From Phil Spitalny To The Northwestern University [not a regular issue] Phil Spitalny’s Music 1930
The Spaniard that Blighted My Life Al Jolson 1913
Spirit of ’76 Drum Corps 1897
Springtime In The Rockies Vincent Lopez Orchestra 1930
Sprüche Anonymous 1889-90
Squeeze Me Hightower?s Night Hawks 1927
St. Elmo Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra 1918
St. James’ Infirmary Harlem Hot Chocolates 1930
St. Louis Blues W. C. Handy’s Memphis Blues Band 1922
The St. Louis Blues Marion Harris 1920
St. Louis Blues [test or personal recording] Leola Felton ca. 1931
St. Louis Rag Vess L. Ossman 1904
St. Louis Tickle Ossman-Dudley Trio 1906
The Star Spangled Banner John McCormack and Male Chorus 1917
The Star Spangled Banner Prince’s Band 1916
Stars Guido Deiro 1922
The Stars and Stripes Forever Columbia Orchestra 1897
Stars and Stripes Forever Guido Deiro ca. 1913
Stay Down Here Where You Belong Henry Burr 1915
Stay Down Here Where You Belong Henry Burr 1915
Stay Down Here Where You Belong Arthur Fields 1914
Steal Away to Jesus Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1916
Stealing Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra 1921
Steamboat Bill Edward Meeker 1911
Steamboat Leaving the Wharf at New Orleans American Quartet 1902
Stella Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra 1923
Steppin’ Out Al Jolson with Isham Jones Orchestra 1924
Sterling Castle and Harvest Home William Craig 1909
Stick to Your Mother, Tom Will Oakland and Chorus 1911
Stille Liebe Maenner Quartett ca. 1920-1921
Stille Nacht (Silent Night) Anonymous 1889-90
Stille Nacht Otto Rindlisbacher and Karl Hoppe ca. 1920-1921
Stjärnor i kronan Knut Öhrström 1924
Stock Exchange Scene Joe Weber and Lew Fields 1912
Stop, Stop, Stop (“Love Me Some More”) Elida Morris 1910
Storbönneras vals Olle i Skratthult 1923
The Stranded Minstrel Man Murry K. Hill 1908
Strangers Phil Spitalny’s Music 1932
Strawberries Nora Bayes 1911
The Streets of Cairo Dan W. Quinn 1895
Strut Miss Lizzie Mary Stafford and Her Jazz Band 1921
Struttin’ at the Strutters’ Ball Markels’ Orchestra 1922
Stumbling Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 1922
Sugar Plum Samuel Siegel and Roy Butin 1909
Sultan Isham Jones Rainbo Orchestra 1920
Sunbeam Sal Nora Bayes 1914
Sunbonnet Sue Haydn Quartet 1908
Sunlight Winfield S. Weeden and Chorus 1897
Sunset Medley (A Bunch of Blues/Babes in the Woods) W. G. Haenschen and T. T. Schiffer 1916
Sunset Medley Haenschen’s Orchestra (W. G. Haenschen piano, T. T. Schiffer drums) 1916
The Sunshine of Your Smile Fred Brown 1916
The Sunshine of Your Smile John McCormack 1916
Susie [take A] Wolverine Orchestra 1924
Susie [take B] Wolverine Orchestra 1924
Svarta Rudolf Gustaf Fonandern, H. Anderson and Alfred Edström 1923
Swanee Al Jolson 1920
Sweet Adeline (You’re the Flower of My Heart) Bieling & Dudley & Haydn Quartet 1904
Sweet And Lovely Phil Spitalny’s Orchestra 1931
Sweet Baby Doll King Oliver’s Jazz Band 1923
Sweet Indiana Home Marion Harris with Isham Jones Orchestra 1922
Sweet Jennie Lee! Reser’s Radio Band 1930
Sweet Lady (Medley) Robert Black, Chorus by Billy Clark (Eubie Blake with Irving Kaufman) 1921
Sweet Little Stranger The Hickman Trio 1920
Sweet Lovin’ Man King Oliver’s Jazz Band 1923
Sweet Marie Ada Jones 1894
Sweet Sixteen Waltz Bohumir Kryl ca. 1901
Sweet Woman Isham Jones Rainbo Orchestra 1920
Sweetheart Of My Student Days Hit of the Week Orchestra 1930
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra 1923
Sweetmeats Arthur Pryor’s Band 1909
The Swing Johnny De Droit and his New Orleans Orchestra 1924
Swing Along Afro-American Folk Song Singers 1914
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Apollo Jubilee Quartet 1912
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1911
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1915
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Standard Quartette 1894
Swingin’ Down the Lane Isham Jones and His Orchestra 1923
Swingin’ In A Hammock Phil Spitalny’s Music 1930
Swiss Yodel Song Charles Schoenenberger ca. 1920-1921
Swollen Fortunes William Jennings Bryan 1908
Sympathy Helen Clark and Walter Van Brunt 1913