Artists A through Z

Artists A through Z
April 22, 2015 kitty

Here’s the full, alphabetized list of everyone we’ve reissued. Scroll and click to find your artist, or start typing a name in the search box for a filtered view. (Filtering may be especially helpful if the artist you’re looking for worked with a number of partners.)

Afro-American Folk Song Singers
American Quartet (Early 1900s lineup)
American Quartet
Harold E. Anderson
Harold E. Anderson and Alfred Edström
Folke Andersson
Apollo Jubilee Quartet
Arion Brooklyn
Charles A. Asbury
Sam Ash
Harry Anthony
John Yorke AtLee
Gene Austin and Hit of the Week Orchestra
Avon Comedy Four
Elsie Baker
Bailey’s Lucky Seven
Bailey’s Lucky Seven featuring Cliff Edwards ("Ukulele Ike")
Bar Harbor Society Orchestra
Baldwin's Cadet Band of Boston
David C. Bangs
Johnny Bayersdorffer and his Jazzola Novelty Orchestra
Nora Bayes
Nora Bayes and Irving Fisher
Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth
Alexander Graham Bell
Joe Belmont
Benrus Radio Orchestra
The Benson Orchestra of Chicago
Emile Berliner
Al Bernard
Al Bernard and J. Russel Robinson
Paul Biese Trio and Frank Crumit
Bison City Quartette
Bix and His Rhythm Jugglers
Robert Black and Billy Clark
Blake's Jazzone Orchestra
Eubie Blake Trio
Edward H. S. Boatner
John Bieling, S. H. Dudley & Haydn Quartet
Thomas Bott
Fanny Brice
D. B. Broad
Edna Brown
Fred Brown
Tom Brown and Five Brown Brothers
BROWNbilt Melo-Clarions and the BROWNbilt Trio
Harry C. Browne and Peerless Quartette
Brownlee's Orchestra of New Orleans
William Jennings Bryan
Harry T. Burleigh
Mrs. Hardin Burnley
Henry Burr
Henry Burr and Billy Murray
Henry Burr and Edgar Stoddard
Frank Butts
Albert Campbell
Albert Campbell and Henry Burr
Al Campbell and Henry Burr and Will Oakland
Albert Campbell and Henry Burr and Rudy Wiedoeft
Eddie Cantor
Eddie Cantor and Phil Spitalny's Music
Cal Carson
Cal Carson and Gid Carson
Enrico Caruso
Enrico Caruso and Antonio Scotti
Charley Case
Joseph Cawthorn
Anna Chandler
Chris Chapman
Chicago Premier Kvartett
Louis Christie
Church Chimes
Ciro's Club Coon Orchestra
Carroll Clark
Emma Carus
Helen Clark and Henry Burr
Helen Clark and Walter Van Brunt
Arthur Clough and Brunswick Quartette
Club Royal Orchestra
Florence Cole-Talbert
College Humor Trio
Arthur Collins
Arthur Collins and Byron Harlan
Arthur Collins and Joseph Natus
Arthur Collins and Vess L. Ossman
Colt Brothers and Rex Cole Mountaineers
Columbia Minstrels
Columbia Mixed Double Quartette
Columbia Orchestra
Columbia Male Quartet
Columbia Quartet
Zez Confrey
Opal Cooper
Cornet Solo and Metropolitan Band
Henry Corsell
Henry Corsell and Esther Arneson
Henry Corsell and Ebba Frederickson
Henry Corsell and Svensk-Amerikanska sångarförbundet
Sam Cousins and Ed DeMoss
Thomas Craig
C. W. Crary family, friends, and cat
Fanny Crosby
Frank Crumit
Joseph Cullen and William Collins
Ford Dabney's Band
Vernon Dalhart
Vernon Dalhart and Criterion Quartet
Rev. J. Reeves Daniels
Edith Day
Eddie Davis Orchestra
Guido Deiro
Guido Deiro and Pietro Deiro
Pietro Deiro
Johnny De Droit and his New Orleans Orchestra
Vaughn De Leath
Vaughn DeLeath and Frank Harris
R. Nathaniel Dett
Rene Dietrich and Horace Wright
Dinwiddie Colored Quartet
Bobby Dixon's Broadcasters
Raymond Dixon
Raymond Dixon and Orpheus Quartet
Lew Dockstader
Morton Downey and The Camel Orchestra
Morton Downey and Orchestra
Drum Corps
S. H. Dudley
S. H. Dudley, Harry Macdonough & Haydn Quartet
Marguerite Dunlap and Harry Macdonough
Fred Duprez
Jimmy Durante's Jazz Band
Eddie Elkins' Orchestra
Amelia Earhart
Edison Concert Band
Edison Military Band
Edison Grand Concert Band
Edison Male Quartet
Edison Quartet
Thomas Edison
Harry Ellis
Frank L. Embree
Charles L. Estey
Jim Europe's 369th U. S. Infantry "Hell Fighters" Band
Europe's Society Orchestra
Farber Sisters
Marguerite Farrell
Edward M. Favor
Leola Felton
Arthur Fields
Arthur Fields and his Assassinators
Arthur Fields and Criterion Quartette
Arthur Fields and Ford Dabney's Band
Arthur Fields and the Peerless Quartet
Arthur Fields and Ben Selvin's Orchestra
Fio Rito's Music
Ted Fio Rito's Orchestra
J. J. Fisher
Fisk University Jubilee Quartet
Gustaf Fonandern
Gustaf Fonandern, Harold E. Anderson, and Alfred Edström
Five Brown Brothers
Four Harmony Kings
Dave Franklin
Edward Franklin
R. K. Franklin
Ebba Frederickson and Hildur Bergström
Earl Fuller's Famous Jazz Band
Earl Fuller's Rector Novelty Orchestra
Ed Gallagher and Al Shean
Jan Garber's Orchestra
George J. Gaskin
Anthony Giammatteo
Anthony Giammatteo and Frederick Brissett
Irving Gillette
Gilmore's Band
Alma Gluck
Alma Gluck and Louise Homer
Billy Golden
Billy Golden and Joe Hughes
George Gordon and Robert Bruce
Rev. Frederick A. Graves
Greater New York Quartette
Alice Green and Edward Hamilton
Alice Green and Harry Macdonough
Gene Greene
W. G. Haenschen and T. T. Schiffer
Half-Way House Orchestra
W. C. Handy's Memphis Blues Band
Happy-Rose Orchestra
Roger Harding
Byron G. Harlan
Byron G. Harlan and Peerless Quartet
Byron G. Harlan and Frank C. Stanley
Mina Hickman
Harlem Hot Chocolates
Marion Harris
Marion Harris and Isham Jones Orchestra
Marion Harris and Billy Murray
Charles Harrison
Charles Harrison and Columbia Quartet
Charles Harrison and Columbia Stellar Quartette
James F. Harrison and the Knickerbocker Quartet
Frank Howard
Charles Hart
Charles Hart and Lewis James
Charles Hart and Shannon Four
Charles Hart and Elliott Shaw
Morton Harvey
Roland Hayes
Haydn Quartet
Joe Hayman
Harry Heath
Heidelberg Quintet
Art Hickman's Orchestra
The Hickman Trio
Hightower's Night Hawks
Hit of the Week Orchestra
Holding's Parlor Orchestra
Home Recording
Adelyne Hood and Arthur Fields
Hotel Pennsylvania Music
Hotel Pennsylvania Orchestra
Russell Hunting
Ted Husing
May Irwin
Elsie Janis
Elsie Janis and Basil Hallam
Elsie Janis and Owen Nares
Elsie Janis and Owen Nares, Stanley Lupino and Will West
Felix Jardella
Harold Jarvis
The Enna Jettick Songbird
George W. Johnson
Jazz-Bo's Carolina Serenaders
Jack Johnson
Al Jolson
Ada Jones
Ada Jones and American Quartet
Ada Jones and Henry Burr
Ada Jones and Billy Murray
Ada Jones and Steve Porter
Ada Jones and Len Spencer
Ada Jones and Walter Van Brunt
Ada Jones and Victor Light Opera Company
Ada Jones and Billy Watkins
Billy Jones and Ernest Hare
Isham Jones Orchestra
Isham Jones Rainbo Orchestra
Richard Jose
Roland Joy
Kalman Juvelier
Irving Kaufman
Eddie Kuhn and His Orchestra – Kansas City, Mo.
Eddie Kuhn’s Dance Specialists
Knickerbocker Orchestra
Irving Kaufman and Bailey's Lucky Seven
Irving Kaufman and Columbia Quartette
Irving Kaufman and The Dandies
Irving Kaufman and Jack Kaufman
Matt Keefe
Ebbe Kempe-Kjellgren
Kentucky Serenaders
John J. Kimmel
Ralph Kirbery and Orchestra
Bohumir Kryl
Bohumir Kryl and Jaroslav Cimera
Bohumir Kryl and Leroy Haines
Kryl's Bohemian Band
Scrappy Lambert's Collegians
Sam Lanin's Dance Ensemble
Sam Lanin's Orchestra
Lanin's Southern Serenaders
Harry Lauder
Silas Leachman
Eddie Leonard
Robert Lewis
Ted Lewis Jazz Band
Tom Lewis
Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians
London Concert Orchestra
Vincent Lopez Orchestra
Charles P. Lowe
Bert Lown and His Hotel Biltmore Music
Nick Lucas and His Troubadors
Lyric Quartet
Harry Macdonough
Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet
Harry Macdonough and Orpheus Quartet
Harry Macdonough and Elise Stevenson
Harry Macdonough and Miss Walton
George MacFarlane
Billy Mack and Mary Mack
Uncle Dave Macon
Jere Mahoney
Male Quartet
Fate Marable's Society Syncopators
Lucy Isabelle Marsh
Lucy Isabelle Marsh and Royal Dadmun
Lucy Isabelle Marsh and Victor Light Opera Company
Grace Marvin
Maxwell House Orchestra
James McCool
John McCormack
Tom McNaughton
George McNeice
Edward Meeker
Memphis Pickaninny Band
Men About Town Trio
Otto Mesloh and Metropolitan Band
Metropolitan Band
Metropolitan Orchestra
Midnight Ramblers and Billy Murray
Polk Miller and His Old South Quartet
The Mills Brothers
Dwight L. Moody
Moody Quartette
Corinne Morgan
Corinne Morgan and Haydn Quartet
Elida Morris
Eddie Morton
Eddie Morton and the Peerless Quartet
Mozart Quartette
McMurray's California Thumpers
Markels' Orchestra
Moulin Rouge Orchestra
Lambert Murphy
Billy Murray
Billy Murray and the American Quartet
Billy Murray and Harry's Tavern Band
Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet
Billy Murray and International Novelty Orchestra
Billy Murray and Irving Kaufman
Billy Murray and Walter Scanlan
Billy Murray and Ed Smalle
Billy Murray and Aileen Stanley
J. W. Myers
Joseph Natus
William Nemrell
New Orleans Jazz Band
The New York Twelve
Marguerite Newton
Alice Nielsen
Joseph Norrita
Jack Norworth
Jack Norworth and Gertrude Lang
Will Oakland
Will Oakland and the American Quartet
Will Oakland and Billy Murray
Ocean Grove Auditorium Choir
Neil O'Brien and James J. Corbett
Knut Öhrström
Chauncey Olcott
King Oliver's Jazz Band
Original Crescent City Jazzers
Original Dixieland Jazz Band
Original New Orleans Jazz Band
The Original Six Brown Brothers
The Original Wolverines
Original Tuxedo Jazz Orchestra
Oriole Quartette
Nicholas Orlando's Orchestra
Ory's Sunshine Orchestra
Ory's Sunshine Orchestra and Roberta Dudley
Ory's Sunshine Orchestra and Ruth Lee
Vess L. Ossman
Vess L. Ossman and William Parke Hunter
Ossman-Dudley Trio
Original Memphis Five
Pryor’s Orchestra
Ernest V. Parcells
Anthony Parenti's Famous Melody Boys
Isabelle Patricola and The Virginians
Peerless Orchestra
Peerless Quartet
Peerless Quartet and Ada Jones
Peerless Quartet and Billy Murray
Peerless Quartet and Fred Van Eps
Peerless Trio
General J. J. Pershing
Ben Pollack Orchestra
Steve Porter
Prince's Band
Prince's Band and Columbia Male Quartette
Arthur Pryor
Arthur Pryor's Band
Theodore Pusinelli
Dan W. Quinn
Dan W. Quinn and Helen Trix
Erno Rapee's Orchestra
Red Book Magazine Orchestra
Harry Raderman’s Jazz Orchestra
Harry Raderman's Orchestra
William Redmond
James Reed and J. F. Harrison
William J. ("Sailor") Reilly
Leo F. Reisman Orchestra
Harry Reser's Radio Band
Reser's Radio Band
Gitz Rice and Henry Burr
Freddie Rich's Radio Orchestra
Right Quintette
Blanche Ring
Rittersville Children's Chorus
Rittersville Choir
Rittersville Singing Club
Rittersville United Quartet
Bob Roberts
Dick Robertson and His Collegians
Dick Robertson's Orchestra
Will Rogers
Manuel Romain
Sam Rubin
Rev. C. Herbert Rust and Bertha W. Rust
Ira D. Sankey
Sankey Quartette
Andy Sannella and His Orchestra
Anna Maria Sawyer
Joan Sawyer's Persian Garden Orchestra
Mr. Joseph Sawyer and Family
Scandinavian Bell Ringers
Edouard-Léon Scott de Martinville
Selvin's Novelty Orchestra
Shannon Four
Burt Shepard
Samuel Siegel and Roy Butin
Sioux City Six
Noble Sissle
Six Brown Brothers
Olle i Skratthult
Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
Joseph C. Smith and His Mount Royal Orchestra
Joseph C. Smith Trio
Mamie Smith and Her Jazz Hounds
Solomon Smulewitz
Sousa's Band
Elizabeth Spencer
Elizabeth Spencer and Henry Burr
Elizabeth Spencer and Charles Hart
Len Spencer
Len Spencer and Gilbert Girard
Len Spencer and George W. Johnson
Len Spencer and Vess Ossman
Spencer, Williams and Quinn's Imperial Minstrels
Phil Spitalny's Music
Phil Spitalny's Orchestra
Mary Stafford
Mary Stafford and Her Jazz Band
Standard Quartette
Aileen Stanley
Frank C. Stanley
Frank C. Stanley and Henry Burr
Frank C. Stanley and Elise Stevenson
Statler Pennsylvanians
John Steel
George Stehl and Marshall Lufsky and Paul Surth
August Stengler
August Stengler and George McNeice
Sterling Trio
Elise Stevenson
Elise Stevenson and Henry Burr
Cal Stewart
Mr & Mrs Cal Stewart
Eugene Stratton
Gunnar Sund
Svensk-Amerikanska sångarförbunde
Wilbur Sweatman
Wilbur Sweatman's Original Jazz Band
John R. Sweney
William Howard Taft
Harry Tally
Daisy Tapley and Carroll Clark
Charles Taylor & His Two Daughters
Adjt. Edward Taylor
Eva Taylor
The Three Kaufields
John Tobin's Midnight Serenaders
Trinity Chimes
Helen Trix
Sophie Tucker
Sophie Tucker and Her Five Kings of Syncopation
Alan Turner
Tuskegee Institute Singers
William Tuson
William Tuson and George Rubel
Unique Quartette
U.S. Marine Band
Myrtle Vail and Donna Damarel
Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees
Rudy Vallee and Orchestra
Gus Van
Gus Van and Joe Schenck
Walter Van Brunt
Fred Van Eps
Van Eps Banjo Orchestra
Van Eps Trio
Clarice Vance
Louis Vasnier
The Virginians
Versatile Four
Don Voorhees Orchestra
Victor Dance Orchestra
Victor Military Band
Victor Minstrel Company
Victor Orchestra
Victor Vaudeville Company
Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra
George Walker
Francklyn Wallace
Booker T. Washington
Winfield S. Weeden
Reinald Werrenrath
Joe Weber and Lew Fields
Anna Wheaton and James Harrod
Frederick Wheeler
Clarence Cameron White
James White
Paul Whiteman and His Ambassador Orchestra
Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Bert Williams
Bert Williams and George Walker
Frank Wilson
Clarence Williams' Blue Five
Nat M. Wills
Edith Wilson
Edith Wilson and "Alabama Joe"
Edith Wilson and Bubber Miley and His Mileage Makers
Edith Wilson and "Doc" Straine
Edith Wilson and Her Jazz Band
Edith Wilson and Her Jazz Hounds
Edith Wilson and Johnny Dunn's Original Jazz Hounds
Edith Wilson and The Original Jazz Hounds
Wolverine Orchestra
Edward Sterling Wright
H. S. Wright
Zon-O-Phone Concert Band