Titles: B

March 13, 2015 kitty
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B. P. O. E. (Elks’ Song) Nat M. Wills 1908 The Famous Tramp Comedian
Baby Blue Eyes Guido Deiro 1922 Complete Recorded Works, Volume 4
A Baby’s Prayer at Twilight (For Her Daddy Over There) Henry Burr 1917 Anthology: The Original King of Pop
Back Back to Baltimore Bob Roberts 1904 1905: "Deliver Daniel From the Lion's Den"
Back Home in Tennessee (Introducing: I Love to Stay at Home) Prince’s Band 1915 1915: "They'd Sooner Sleep on Thistles"
Back In Your Own Back Yard [test or prototype record] Hit of the Week Orchestra ca. 1929 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 1
Back to My Old Home Town Jack Norworth 1910 Together and Alone
Back to the Carolina You Love Al Jolson 1914 1915: "They'd Sooner Sleep on Thistles"
Bagdad Billy Murray 1912 1913: "Come and See the Big Parade"
Bake Dat Chicken Pie Arthur Collins and Byron Harlan 1907 1907: "Dear Old Golden Rule Days"
Ballet Music from Mathias Sandorph William Tuson ca. 1903 Masters of the Clarinet, 1892-1920
Ballin’ The Jack Elsie Janis and Basil Hallam 1915 Sweetheart of the A.E.F.
Ballin’ the Jack Prince’s Band ca. 1914 1914: "Her Memory Haunts You"
Ballin’ the Jack Victor Military Band 1914 The Product of Our Souls
Ballyhoo Theme Song “Cheer Up” Eddie Cantor with Phil Spitalny’s Music 1931 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 3
Ballyhoo Theme Song “Cheer Up” [vocal] Eddie Cantor with Phil Spitalny’s Music 1931 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 3
Bambalina Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra 1923 1923: "Gonna Play the Villain Part"
Band of Gideon Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1911 There Breathes a Hope: The Legacy of John Work II and His Fisk Jubilee Quartet, 1909-1916
The Band of Gideon Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1911 There Breathes a Hope: The Legacy of John Work II and His Fisk Jubilee Quartet, 1909-1916
The Band Played On Dan W. Quinn 1895 The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
Banjo Song Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1909 There Breathes a Hope: The Legacy of John Work II and His Fisk Jubilee Quartet, 1909-1916
Banks Of The Wabash [ad for College Humor Magazine] College Humor Trio 1931 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 3
Barataria Half-Way House Orchestra 1925 Cabaret Echoes: New Orleans Jazzers at Work, 1918-1927
Barbara Allen Royal Dadmun 1922 Before the Big Bang
Barcarolle R. Nathaniel Dett 1919 Lost Sounds: Blacks and the Birth of the Recording Industry, 1891-1922
Barn Dance from Florodora Peerless Orchestra 1901 Before the Big Bang
Barndomshemmet Henry Corsell and Ebba Frederickson 1923 Swede Home Chicago
Barney Google Ernest Hare and Billy Jones 1923 1923: "Gonna Play the Villain Part"
Barnyard (Quiet in the Country) and The Holy City Harry Heath & unknown female ca. 1896-1900 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Baseball Game Joe Weber and Lew Fields 1916 The Mike and Meyer Files
Battle Hymn of the Republic Charles Harrison and Columbia Stellar Quartette 1917 1918: "Like the Sunshine After Rain"
Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee Ada Jones and Billy Murray 1912 1912: "Waitin' on the Levee"
Beans! Beans!! Beans!!! Eddie Morton 1912 Ed. Morton's "Bit of Broadway"
Beans, Beans, Beans Opal Cooper 1917 Lost Sounds: Blacks and the Birth of the Recording Industry, 1891-1922
Beans, Beans, Beans Gus Van 1918 Pennant-Winning Battery of Songland
Beatrice Fairfax, Tell Me What to Do Dan W. Quinn 1915 Anthology: The King of Comic Singers, 1894-1917
Beautiful City of God [excerpt] Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Beautiful Eyes Ada Jones 1909 1909: "Talk of Your Scand'lous Times"
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere Harold Jarvis 1908 1909: "Talk of Your Scand'lous Times"
Beautiful Ohio Henry Burr 1918 1919: "Jazzin' Around and Paintin' the Town"
Beautiful Ohio Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra 1918 1919: "Jazzin' Around and Paintin' the Town"
Because I’m Married Now Billy Murray 1907 1907: "Dear Old Golden Rule Days"
Because You’re You Elise Stevenson and Harry Macdonough 1906 1907: "Dear Old Golden Rule Days"
Bedelia Haydn Quartet 1903 1904: "Call It the Land of Dreams"
Bedelia Billy Murray 1903 1904: "Call It the Land of Dreams"
Bedelia Billy Murray 1903 Anthology: The Denver Nightingale
Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms Chas. P. Lowe ca. 1898 The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
The Belle of the Barber’s Ball Ada Jones and Billy Murray 1910 Monarchs of Minstrelsy
Ben Hador Kalman Juvelier ca. 1901-1903 Attractive Hebrews: The Lambert Yiddish Cylinders, 1901-1905
Berkeley March Joseph P. Cullen And William G. Collins 1898 Real Ragtime: Disc Recordings From Its Heyday
Betty Boop Phil Spitalny’s Music 1932 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 4
Betty Co-Ed [take F] Phil Spitalny’s Music 1930 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 1
Betty Co-Ed [take G] Phil Spitalny’s Music 1930 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 1
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea Ralph Kirbery and Orchestra 1932 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 4
Beulah Land [excerpt] Prof. John R. Sweney 1892 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Biddy The Benson Orchestra of Chicago 1920 The Benson Orchestra of Chicago, 1920-1921
Bier Walzer Anonymous 1889-90 Etching the Voice
Big Boy Wolverine Orchestra 1924 The Complete Wolverines: 1924–1928
Bill Bailey, Won’t You Please Come Home Dan W. Quinn 1902 Anthology: The King of Comic Singers, 1894-1917
Bill from Louisville Eddie Morton 1911 Ed. Morton's "Bit of Broadway"
Bill Simmons Arthur Collins 1906 1906: "When Things Was Lookin' Bright"
Billy (She Always Dreams of Bill) American Quartet 1911 1911: "Up, Up a Little Bit Higher"
Bimini Bay The Benson Orchestra of Chicago 1921 The Benson Orchestra of Chicago, 1920-1921
Bin a Lustige Bueb Charles Schoenenberger ca. 1920-1921 Alpine Dreaming
Bird Imitations Joe Belmont 1902 The Pink Lambert: A Collection of the First Celluloid Cylinders
The Bird On Nellie’s Hat Helen Trix 1906 1907: "Dear Old Golden Rule Days"
Birds of the Forest Bohumir Kryl and Leroy Haines 1903 World-Famous Wizard of the Cornet
Birmingham Blues Edith Wilson and The Original Jazz Hounds 1922 "Ain't Gonna Settle Down": The Pioneering Blues of Mary Stafford and Edith Wilson
Birmingham Jail Cal and Gid Carson ca. 1931-1932 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 2
Birthday Celebration & Rock of Ages & Old Hundred Mr. Joseph Sawyer and family 1894 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Black But Sweet, Oh God! Billy Mack and Mary Mack 1925 Cabaret Echoes: New Orleans Jazzers at Work, 1918-1927
Black Rag Original Tuxedo Jazz Orchestra 1925 Cabaret Echoes: New Orleans Jazzers at Work, 1918-1927
Blessed Assurance Ira D. Sankey 1899 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Blest Be the Tie J. J. Fisher 1898 Waxing the Gospel: Mass Evangelism and the Phonograph, 1890-1900
Blind Man Blues Mary Stafford and Her Jazz Band 1921 "Ain't Gonna Settle Down": The Pioneering Blues of Mary Stafford and Edith Wilson
Bliv min, så är världen min Henry Corsell 1924 Swede Home Chicago
Blue (I) McMurray’s California Thumpers 1922 The Moaninest Moan of Them All
Blue (II) McMurray’s California Thumpers 1922 The Moaninest Moan of Them All
Blue Again Benrus Radio Orchestra 1931 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 2
Blue Bell Byron G. Harlan and Frank C. Stanley 1904 1904: "Call It the Land of Dreams"
Blue Bell Bohumir Kryl ca. 1905 World-Famous Wizard of the Cornet
Blue Bell Harry Macdonough & Haydn Quartet 1904 1904: "Call It the Land of Dreams"
Blue Bells of Scotland Anonymous 1890-95 Etching the Voice
Blue Bells of Scotland Louis Christie 1903 Masters of the Clarinet, 1892-1920
Blue Bells of Scotland Theodore Pusinelli ca. 1905 Masters of the Clarinet, 1892-1920
Blue Bird, Where Are You? Sophie Tucker 1922 Origins of the Red Hot Mama, 1910-1922
Blue Diamonds Guido Deiro 1920 Complete Recorded Works, Volume 3
Bluin’ the Blues Wilbur Sweatman’s Original Jazz Band 1918 Jazzin' Straight Thru' Paradise
Boar Hog Blues Hightower?s Night Hawks 1927 Cabaret Echoes: New Orleans Jazzers at Work, 1918-1927
Boarding the Folsom / A Few Conundrums [2 indexed tracks] Unknown ca. 1892 Actionable Offenses: Indecent Phonograph Recordings from the 1890s
Boccaccio Anonymous 1889-90 Etching the Voice
Bohemian Girl Selection Arthur Pryor’s Band 1903 Echoes from Asbury Park
Bolero Les Alsachiennes August Stengler 1897 Masters of the Clarinet, 1892-1920
Boll Weevil Blues Gid Tanner 1925 Before the Big Bang
Bon Bon Buddy Billy Murray 1908 1908: "Take Me Out with the Crowd"
Bonaparte’s Retreat A. A. Gray 1924 Before the Big Bang
Booster Fox Trot Victor Military Band 1915 Real Ragtime: Disc Recordings From Its Heyday
Borrow from Me Bert Williams 1913 The Middle Years, 1910-1918
Boxing Scene Neil O’Brien and James J. Corbett 1929 Monarchs of Minstrelsy
Bow-Wow Wiedoeft Wadsworth Quartet 1920 The Missing Link
The Boy from Emmenthal Charles Schoenenberger ca. 1920-1921 Alpine Dreaming
The Boy from the Forest Charles Schoenenberger and Louisa Schneckenbuehl ca. 1920-1921 Alpine Dreaming
The Boys Who Won’t Come Home Henry Burr 1919 The Great War: An American Musical Fantasy
Brass Band Ephraham Jones Al Jolson 1912 Monarchs of Minstrelsy
Bregeiro (Rio Brazilian Maxixe) Joan Sawyer’s Persian Garden Orchestra 1914 Lost Sounds: Blacks and the Birth of the Recording Industry, 1891-1922
Breitenbush March Guido Deiro 1923 Complete Recorded Works, Volume 4
Brethren Rise! Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 1916 There Breathes a Hope: The Legacy of John Work II and His Fisk Jubilee Quartet, 1909-1916
Bright Eyes Leo F. Reisman Orchestra 1921 1921: "Make Believe and Smile"
Bring Back Those Minstrel Days Al Campbell and Jack Kaufman 1926 At the Minstrel Show
Bring Back Those Wonderful Days Bert Williams 1919 His Final Releases, 1919-1922
Broken Doll Nora Bayes 1916 Together and Alone
Brother Low Down Bert Williams 1921 His Final Releases, 1919-1922
Brother Michael, Won’t You Hand Down that Rope Oriole Quartette ca. 1895 Lost Sounds: Blacks and the Birth of the Recording Industry, 1891-1922
Brown Eyes Johnny De Droit and his New Orleans Orchestra 1924 Cabaret Echoes: New Orleans Jazzers at Work, 1918-1927
Bryan Believed in Heaven (That’s Why He’s in Heaven Tonight) Arthur Fields 1925 Anthology: Singer, Songwriter, Soldier
Buddy’s Habit King Oliver’s Jazz Band 1923 King Oliver, Off the Record: The Complete 1923 Jazz Band Recordings
Buffalo Rag Vess L. Ossman 1906 1906: "When Things Was Lookin' Bright"
Bull Frog and Coon Medley Five Brown Brothers 1911 Broadway's Favorite Clowns
Bull Frog Blues Six Brown Brothers 1916 Those Moaning Saxophones
The Bullfrog and the Coon Five Brown Brothers 1911 Those Moaning Saxophones
The Bully May Irwin 1907 The High Priestess of Jollity & The Southern Singer
The Bully May Irwin 1907 1907: "Dear Old Golden Rule Days"
Bürgschaft Anonymous 1889-90 Etching the Voice
Burmese Belles Art Hickman’s Orchestra 1919 The San Francisco Sound, Volume 1
Burning Sands Harry Raderman’s Orchestra 1922 The Moaninest Moan of Them All
But Wilbur Sweatman’s Original Jazz Band 1920 Jazzin' Straight Thru' Paradise
Butcher’s Boy Kelly Harrell 1925 Before the Big Bang
By My Side Sam Lanin’s Dance Ensemble 1931 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 2
By the Beautiful Sea Heidelberg Quintet 1914 Floating Down the River
By the Beautiful Sea Heidelberg Quintette 1914 1914: "Her Memory Haunts You"
By the Beautiful Sea Ada Jones and Billy Watkins 1914 1914: "Her Memory Haunts You"
By thy cold breast (Byron’s “Manfred”) Anonymous 1890-95 Etching the Voice
By The Fireside Rudy Vallee and Orchestra 1932 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 4
By the Light of the Silvery Moon Billy Murray and the Haydn Quartet 1910 Anthology: The Denver Nightingale
By the Light of the Silv’ry Moon Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet 1909 1910: "Act Two, Scene New"
By The Pyramids Gene Rodemich’s Orchestra 1921 The Missing Link
By The River Sainte Marie Dick Robertson’s Orchestra 1931 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 2
By The Sycamore Tree Rudy Vallee with his Connecticut Yankees 1932 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 4
By the Sycamore Tree Medley Vess L. Ossman and William Parke Hunter 1904 Real Ragtime: Disc Recordings From Its Heyday
By the Watermelon Vine Arthur Collins ca. 1904-1905 1904: "Call It the Land of Dreams"
Bye Bye Blues Bert Lown and His Hotel Biltmore Music 1930 The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Volume 1